I just got done seeing an amazing keynote speech by Tony Connors. His the art of not giving up even when it hurts speech was absolutely unbelievable, the way that Tony was able to command the stage. Not only that, but the things that I was able to learn, not only about Tony, but about myself throughout his speech was really moving and inspiring. I feel like there’s absolutely no way I’m going to give up now, no matter how much it hurts. You need to book Tony Connors to your event now, it’s an experience that you will not regret nor will you soon forget.

Michael Letsinger

Tony Connors does a powerful presentation. He tells it like it is. He explains how he’s overcome adversity and maintains a great spirit. You can learn from Tony.


Danny Szeremet

Hi, my name’s Trevor. I’m a violinist and I’m a performer. I just saw Tony Connors perform his keynote and I was blown away, it was super motivational and I would definitely recommend you book him for your next event.

Trevor Owens

Hi, I’m John Silvers and I’m here to share with you about my experience of just coming out of seeing Tony Connors do a keynote concert. What an amazing experience, this man bares his soul. He talks about how to just be your biggest, strongest self, and to overcome all kinds of challenges that happen in your life. He shares his own experience, he shares his music, he shares his heart and it’s so inspiring. I’m just so grateful that I had an opportunity and I think you’ll be grateful, I know you will be, to have him if you’re having an event and you want a great keynote speaker to come in and inspire your audience and to share with them something that they’re going to hold with and keep with them forever. Tony’s your man ‘cause he’s got the goods.

John Silvers

Hi, my name is Kate Anderson, and I’m here to talk to you about Tony Connors. I just had the great pleasure of seeing his keynote concert, and I want to tell you, he delivers a powerful rendition of stories from his life in their rawness and intensity and invites you to really accompany him on his journey to find his own truth about what he believes in and how he wants to live his life. It’s very inspiring. I invite you to invite Tony to your next event. It will please your audience knowingly.

Kate Anderson

Hi, this is Tiamo De Vettori, I’m a speaker, seminar leader and an event planner. And I’m here to talk about Tony Connors today ‘cause I just watched him deliver a live keynote concert onstage, where he combines live music with speaking. And I loved his message about never giving up and sometimes life can get really hard and we can face adversity, but he was talking about persistence and how to overcome that. 
And so many audiences around the world need to hear that message. They need to hear his message. So if you are looking for a memorable and powerful keynote, but a keynote concert on top of it, then I highly recommend that you book Tony for your event.

Tiamo De Vettori